How to Withdraw FIFA Coins?

You can’t progress much in FIFA without having its currency, the FIFA coins. Withdrawal is not a problem if you have earned these coins; however, if you have bought them, then it is necessary.

It is simple logic; if you can’t withdraw your coins, you cannot use them. As you know, the security algorithm of EA doesn’t like the players buying coins, so if you are not careful, you may end up with a suspended account. By now, you are clear about how to buy fifacoins; if not, you can go to the official website of the FIFACOIN and read the instructions available in the how to buy tab.

Withdrawing FIFA Coins From FIFACOIN

Before following the steps below, ensure that you have purchased some coins. Else the balance will be zero, preventing withdrawal. FIFACOIN offers both coin packs and custom amounts.

  • Login to your FIFACOIN account and locate the Get Coins on the topmost bar. It’s the bar showing your email address in yellow.
  • Click on Get Coins and wait for the Get Coins page to appear. Look for the Comfort Trade 3.0 option and click on the green button saying Go.
  • On the next page, you will see the section requiring account details under the Attention section. Read the attention section and then proceed to the lower section.
  • Please enter all the details and check the box ‘I have logged out of all devices.’ Now click Submit and wait for the website to verify your information.
  • Once the verification process is complete, the details you entered will disappear, and a new purchase will open in the Delivery History table.
  • Now let the Processing bar complete. When the status changes from Processing to Completed, you can log into your game, and use the purchased coins.

Benefits Of Buying FIFA Coins From FIFACOIN

Although there are countless sellers out there, there are several benefits when you buy FIFA coins from FIFACOIN.

  • Firstly, FIFACOIN is a trusted user for its genuine products. Over more than 1,200,00 users have used its products, and 99.9% are happy with the results.
  • FIFACOIN offers fast delivery. Usually, sellers take longer to transfer FIFA coins to your account. However, at FIFACOIN, most transactions are complete in a short time.
  • Next, transactions are reliable. Improving your FIFA ID is no less than a challenge, and no one wants to get a ban on their hard work. Understanding the situation’s fragility, FIFACOIN guarantees reliable transactions to avoid ban and suspension.
  • Their flexible payback policy guarantees a full refund on order cancellation.
  • An unresponsive seller is frustrating. However, FIFACOIN won’t give you a chance to complain. They have excellent customer support, which is active 24/7 to answer you.

Final Verdict

Buying FIFA coins is half of the process; you must withdraw them to use them. Since buying coins is illegal according to EA’s policies, carelessness or haste can get you suspended. Therefore, you must know the safe and correct method to transfer your coins successfully.

You can follow the guide mentioned above to withdraw coins from FIFACOIN. In addition to safe transactions, you must know how other gamers transfer their coins. Since the security algorithms keep updating, search around and get the updates about the latest EA’s policies so you can avoid maximum risk.



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